Advanced State

Context API

React provides a Context API which you can use to share state without having to pass the state down via Component properties.

This is useful if you have a global state which you want to share throughout your application. This can hold information like the user that is currently logged in.


The snippet below creates a Color context that holds a color and also provides a function for changing the color. All components that are children of the <ColorProvider> component can consume this color setter and getter via the useColor() hook function, which is a convenience function to the useContext(ColorContext) hook call.

import { createContext, useState, useMemo, useContext } from 'react';

const ColorContext = createContext();

const ColorProvider = ({children}) => {
const [color, setColor] = useState('#663399');
const value = useMemo(() => ({color, setColor}), [color, setColor]);
return <ColorContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</ColorContext.Provider>

const useColor = () => useContext(ColorContext);

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The useContext() hook can only be used in functional style components.