CSS Conventions and Methodologies


BEM stands for Block Element modifier and is a popular naming conventions for styling components in web projects. It is also still popular in React Projects.

At the topmost level there is the Block with a name, written in hyphenated-case (also called kebab-case). The name of the block is put into its class attribute.

These blocks can consist of multiple elements.

An element of a block is named after the name of the block and the name of the element, delimited by two underscores, eg. block__element. It is also put into the class attribute.

Last but not least, there are modifiers. These are for creating variants of the component, these modifiers are named via the class attribute in the format block--modifier.


<button class="button button--small button--without-text">
<svg class="button__icon"><path .../></svg>
<span class="button__text">Button text</span>

This button has a button--small and a button--without-text modifier. Sub-elements of the button component are the button__icon element and the button__text element.

NOTE: You might be confused why there is a button__text element in the HTML when there is a button--without-text modifier. This is because buttons always need to have a meaningful caption, even if the text is not visually shown. This is for accessibility reasons.

An in-depth guide about the BEM naming convention is on https://9elements.com/bem-cheat-sheet/

Atomic Design

Atomic Design is a methodology for user interface design by Brad Frost. This methodology is inspired by Chemistry where atoms combine together to form molecules, which further combine to form organisms.

In-depth guide about Atomic Design: https://atomicdesign.bradfrost.com/


CUBE is a methodology for CSS by Andy Bell.

Further Resources