TypeScript introduction

This is a quick summary of the TypeScript language for people familiar with JavaScript.

For an in-depth tutorial on TypeScript and its Type Notation, visit: https://2ality.com/2018/04/type-notation-typescript.html

Also, check the official documentation: https://www.typescriptlang.org/

TypeScript Playground

The best way to get a quick intro to TypeScript is to look at some examples and try them out directly in the browser. TypeScript has a playground and also provides a nice set of examples.


Types in JavaScript

JavaScript has only 8 types:

Static types in TypeScript

On top of the types in JavaScript, TypeScript adds static types which are checked on compile time.

These additional checks will help to prevent common bugs, eg. it reminds you to check for undefined. Also, it provides some additional information which benefits AutoComplete features in the IDE.

Type annotations

let x: string;

Type inference

let x = "Hello world"; // inferred type of x is string

Type aliases

type Age = number;
const age: Age = 82;

Typed Arrays

const names: string[] = ['Greg', 'John', 'Paul']; 

const names: Array<string> = ['Greg', 'John', 'Paul'];


You can describe interfaces to describe an object.

interface Point {
x: number;
y: number;
z?: number; // z is an optional property

Object literal types

type Point2D = {
x: number;
y: number;

Difference to interfaces: you cannot add additional properties into variables with the above types.


You can create generic types by using angle brackets.

class LinkedList<T> {

public item: T,
public next?: LinkedList<T>
) {}

Specific types can then be instantiated like this:

const listOfNumbers = new LinkedList<number>();
const listOfStrings = new LinkedList<string>();

The example above also shows a shorthand syntax for constructor parameters which are automatically assigned to properties of the class named accordingly (like this.item = item;).

Hiding implementation details inside classes

Like in Java and similar object-oriented programming languages, you can specify the visibility of a class property via public, private, protected.