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Welcome 👋

Let's discover Angular in depth.

Getting Started​

For the full Setup Guide see Setup Chapter.

Cloud IDE​

Since most exercises can be solved using the latest version of Chrome / Edge / Safari, it is not mandatory to have any local IDE.

Ensure you can access StackBlitz and you can see an example project after clicking the Angular icon.

Stackblitz demo

Local Development​

Get started by installing Node.js. This can be done by utilizing Node Version Manager (nvm see

HINT: The all tasks where tested for ⬢ v20.13.0

The installation process can defer depending on your OS.

To verify the installation run node --version.

# angular-workshop is 📦 v0.1.0 via ⬢ v20.13.0
node --version
# RESPONSE: v20.13.0